Hello! If you have come on any walks, hikes, or visit us at any of your markets we may have recommended you certain books to read. Here is the list of our top 11 favorite foraging books that can help you on your journey, like they did us!
Mushrooms of the Southeast by Todd F. Elliott & Steven L. Stephenson
Mushrooms of the Carolinas by Alan E. Bessette , Arleen R. Bessette, Michael W. Hopping
All That the Rain Promises and More: A Hip Pocket Guide to Western Mushrooms by David Arora
Mushroom Demystified by David Arora
100 Edible Mushrooms by Michael Kuo
How to Forage Mushrooms Without Dying by Frank Hyman
Organic Mushroom Cultivation and Mycoremediation by Tradd Cotter
The Fungal Pharmacy by Robert Rogers (Author), Solomon P. Wasser (Foreword)
Foragers Harvest by Samuel Thayer
Incredible Wild Edibles by Samuel Thayer
Trees of Power by Akiva Silver
Summer is just about to begin and we couldn’t be more excited for all of the mushrooms that soon will pop their sleepy caps up through the leaves and into our baskets and bellies!
We are proud to announce our summer mushroom foray schedule:
Join us for a stroll in the woods where we find different mushrooms and plants, but mostly mushrooms, and identify them together, with a focus on edible & medicinals.All locations are TBD till a few days before hand, and email with directions will be sent out to you.Bring water, a basket or bag, and your walking shoes!
Sylva ForaysWill be within 45 minutes of downtown Sylva, Nc.3rd Saturdays 2-4 pm June - October
Saturday June 18th 2-4PMSaturday July 16th 2-4PMSaturday August 20th 2-4PMSaturday September 17th 2-4PMSaturday October 22nd 2-4PM
Asheville ForaysWill be within 45 minutes of downtown Asheville, Nc.3rd Friday 9-11AM June - October
Friday June 17th 9-11AMFriday July 15th 9-11AMFriday August 19th 9-11AMFriday September 16th 9-11AMFriday October 21st 9-11AM
*****You can reserve your space on any or all of our forays here. ****** Be sure to sign up early as spaces are limited!
We are excited to be presenting at the 4M festival on September 3rd 11-6pm brought to you by our friends at Jackson Arts Market in downtown Sylva, Nc!
Hello everyone and happy 2022! Where the heck did January go? Luke and I have been up to all kinds of mushroom activities: spawn expansion, forest garden fruiting chambers, tracking down and bucking up future mushroom logs and more.
attached you will find some photos of the fruiting chamber we have been working on the last few days. It will be able to hold about 16 sawdust blocks. We’ve sealed it with a thick rubber coating (flex seal) to act as a vapor barrier, and have a fan drawing air out to help with spore load and air exchange. Once its up and running I’ll make a full post on the fruiting chamber! Anyways thanks for checking out the blog, expect more fun stuff here such as recipes, announcements, discoveries, experiments and more.